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Got Her Back Mentors
are members of the
women's tackle football community
who support &
create connection
as role models for our
next generation of female athletes.

Got Her Back Mentorship 

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Got Her Back inspires, supports, mentors and defends girls who play football or other male-dominated sports. ​One of the core purposes of the WNFC is to change the perception for girls and women that there is no future for them as a football player.


While some young women struggle to see their future in football and exit their athletic careers early, others persevere through the bullying and stress that with being the only girl playing on a “boys” team. Many of the women of the WNFC share similar stories from the beginnings of their football career, playing with all boys and dealing with criticism and bullying.


Through virtual outreach and game attendance, lines of communication have been created between the WNFC and these young football players and their families. The goal of “Got Her Back” mentors is to act as a support, role model, and a contact with women’s football. These connections instill confidence in girls in their current playing environment while also highlighting their future in the game.

National Sponsors

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